I've been discussing how to avoid a human "mouse utopia" with friends https://search.brave.com/search?q=%22mouse+utopia%22 (although the experimenters didn't try varying the environment enough IMO, say by opening up new areas and closing other off, also by varying the food supply, both are things found in our modern environment).
Evidently our current elites also suffer from a tremendous lack of imagination as well as empathy.
I've been discussing how to avoid a human "mouse utopia" with friends https://search.brave.com/search?q=%22mouse+utopia%22 (although the experimenters didn't try varying the environment enough IMO, say by opening up new areas and closing other off, also by varying the food supply, both are things found in our modern environment).
Evidently our current elites also suffer from a tremendous lack of imagination as well as empathy.