While I favor environmentalism, I regard the AGW crusade to be a fraudulent effort to manipulate the public and to promote fake science for better ruling class control of society. Margaret Mead was president of AAAS in 1974 when she or her cohorts organized a kangaroo court AAAS Symposium to try Immanuel Velikovsky for his heretical but then somewhat popular view that Venus is a young planet that had a recent violent history in encounters with Earth and Mars. This meant that the heat of Venus was due to it being a young planet, instead of to its thick CO2 atmosphere causing greenhouse warming effect. Mead was associated with a couple scientists who had just developed the idea that Earth is warming due to the CO2 greenhouse warming effect just like on Venus, when the CO2 on Earth is pathetically minimal. So I think there was an ulterior motive for the symposium, to destroy Velikovsky's creditability. Another problem is that dating methods are extremely inaccurate and all sedimentary rock strata were very likely almost entirely formed just c. 5,000 years ago, which is why little erosion or bioturbation is found between rock strata and coal, diamonds, dinosaur bones etc date to only a few thousands or tens of thousands of years, instead of millions of years, by C14 dating. I have discussed this stuff somewhat at https://electricastrophysics.substack.com/archive and https://zzzzzzz.substack.com/p/cataclysmic-earth-history. I'm not a Creationist, but they do better science than the mainstream, although I don't consider theirs the best either over all.
While I favor environmentalism, I regard the AGW crusade to be a fraudulent effort to manipulate the public and to promote fake science for better ruling class control of society. Margaret Mead was president of AAAS in 1974 when she or her cohorts organized a kangaroo court AAAS Symposium to try Immanuel Velikovsky for his heretical but then somewhat popular view that Venus is a young planet that had a recent violent history in encounters with Earth and Mars. This meant that the heat of Venus was due to it being a young planet, instead of to its thick CO2 atmosphere causing greenhouse warming effect. Mead was associated with a couple scientists who had just developed the idea that Earth is warming due to the CO2 greenhouse warming effect just like on Venus, when the CO2 on Earth is pathetically minimal. So I think there was an ulterior motive for the symposium, to destroy Velikovsky's creditability. Another problem is that dating methods are extremely inaccurate and all sedimentary rock strata were very likely almost entirely formed just c. 5,000 years ago, which is why little erosion or bioturbation is found between rock strata and coal, diamonds, dinosaur bones etc date to only a few thousands or tens of thousands of years, instead of millions of years, by C14 dating. I have discussed this stuff somewhat at https://electricastrophysics.substack.com/archive and https://zzzzzzz.substack.com/p/cataclysmic-earth-history. I'm not a Creationist, but they do better science than the mainstream, although I don't consider theirs the best either over all.